Everything You Need To Know About Bird Flu Outbreak: Avian Virus

The news of bird flu is coming from some parts of the country, Already the corona is spread not only in our country but all over the world. A lot of steps are being taken to avoid this Pandemic. Now the vaccine has also come. In such a situation, due to the arrival of this new bird flu break, many types of fear come and questions arise in our mind, Like Why in the news? What is bird flu? What are the viruses that can be caused by bird flu? Can eating chicken, eggs be harmful to you? How it is different from the coronavirus? How to stay safe from bird flu? What are the steps taken to stop this virus? What are the steps taken by the government to stop this bird flu influenza? So, After reading this article, you will get the answer to all your questions that came to your mind.
Why in news?
In the past week, lakhs of birds have been reported dead from five states across India. These include Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Rajasthan, U.P. & MP.
In the last week of December 2020, a large number of migratory birds began to mysteriously die at the Pong Dam Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh.
This was followed by the mass bird’s death in Rajasthan. Around 250 crows have been reported dead from several districts of Rajasthan.
More than 55 peacocks were found dead in the Nagapur district, where more than 100 crows died in the Jodhpur district.
The bird flu virus was detected in around 50 crows whose carcasses were found in Indore and mass death of crows has been reported in several districts including Mandsaur, Indore, Marwar, Agar, and Khargone in Madhya Pradesh.
This coincided with an outbreak in the Kottayam and Alappuzha districts of Kerela.
12000 ducks had died due to the infection in parts of Alappuzha and Kottayam.
What is Bird Flu?
Bird flu is a viral infection that can infect not only birds but also humans and other animals.
Bird flu or Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the influenza type A virus and usually affects poultry birds such as chickens and turkeys. There are many strains of the virus - some are mild and can simply cause low egg production or other mild symptoms in chickens, while others are severe and lethal.
The transmission of bird flu from human to human is not so easy but if it happens then its mortality rate is very high. Its mortality rate is 60% to be precise. So, this is usually seen in people who live in close contact with birds, such as poultry workers.
How does the bird flu spread?
You might be thinking that domestic ducks and chickens cannot go elsewhere, then how has this flu spread so much? What is the problem? So, the problem is migratory birds. They go from one country to another and then they come in contact with poultry and domesticated birds, due to which it spreads. Wild aquatic birds such as ducks and geese are the natural reservoir of influenza A viruses, and aquatic birds are the central players in the ecology of these viruses.
Since birds are also excreted while flying, they "provide a good aerosol of influenza virus, which transmits it worldwide".Thus, the virus spreads from aquatic birds, many of which travel and travel long distances, among domestic and land birds. Sometimes the virus spreads to mammals such as pigs, horses, cats, and dogs.
What are the viruses that can cause bird flu?
In recent years, Bird flu (H5N1 strain) outbreaks were reported in Kerala in 2014 and 2020. And H5N1 is the most common bird flu and has killed about 60% of those infected. There have been many bird outbreaks in India before. But whenever it is an outbreak, India runs a large-scale operation. Kerela has been struggling with the virus with repeated outbreaks since 2014, since which over 10 lakh ducks have been culled. An H5N8 outbreak was reported in Kuttanad in Alappuzha, in 2016. An H5N8 strain was found in 2010 but it was not so deadly, but this time it is lethal.
There are many sources to confirm this bird flu outbreak.
The presence of the H5N8 subtype of the Influenza virus was reported in ducks in Alappuzha district and Kottayam district of Kerala.
The National Institutes of High-security Animal Diseases (NIHSAD) Bhopal has tested samples of dead birds from different states. Now, after the test at the Bhopal facility, the same H5N8 strain has been found in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and (Pong Dam) Himachal Pradesh.
A source confirmed to CNN News 18 that it was not H5N1, but H5N8 virus detected in the samples received from Rajasthan, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, & Madhya Pradesh.
While the source of infection is yet to be pinpointed, the role of migratory birds in passing on the virus is suspected.
Does it spread easily among humans?
No, it's not like that. In general, people with close contact with infected living or dead birds are infected with H5N1 bird flu, and it does not usually spread from person to person. Typically, it has been found in people who come into greater contact with birds or poultry birds. Such as poultry workers, hunters, zoo workers, etc. Infected birds lose the avian flu virus in their saliva, mucous membranes, and feces. Human avian influenza virus infections can occur when a sufficient amount of the virus enters a person's eyes, nose, or mouth or is inhaled. This can happen when the virus is in the air (in droplets or possibly dust) and a person inhales it or when a person touches something that has the virus on it and then touches their mouth, eyes, or nose.
What is the risk to Humans?
Although it is lethal for birds, the H5N8 strain of avian influenza has fewer chances of spreading to humans, as compared to H5N1.

Can eating chicken, eggs be harmful to you?
According to WHO, There is no evidence that the disease can be transmitted to humans through well-prepared and cooked foods. The virus is sensitive to heat and dies at cooking temperatures. So, if you cook poultry products, chicken properly, then there is no danger. because no virus can survive in very high temperatures. But for those who eat raw meat and eggs, it can be very harmful to those people because it can be contaminated.
The normal temperature used for cooking (70*C in all parts of the food - examined with a food thermometer) will kill the virus. Consumers need to ensure that all parts of the poultry are fully cooked (no "pink" parts) and that the eggs, too, are cooked properly (no "flowing" yolks).
How it is different from the coronavirus?
The most important point is the speed of transmission between the two viruses. Influenza has a shorter incubation period than COVID 19.
Influenza has a shorter serial interval (3days) in comparison to COVID (5 to 6 days). It means influenza can spread faster than COVID 19.
The reproductive number of secondary infections (generated from one infected individual) is higher than influenza.
Those who are more at risk from severe influenza infections are children, pregnant women, the elderly, those underlying chronic medical conditions. While for COVID 19, from our understanding of those who are of older age, underlying conditions increasing the risk for severe infections.
Coronavirus is more widespread than influenza.
Corona is spread more easily via human to human contact in comparison to influenza.
In the case of COVID 19, the Mortality rate is higher than influenza.
Why the fear of bird flu again?
Because H5N1 is severe and deadly - around 6 out of 10 confirmed cases in humans have led to deaths. However, under-reporting of untimely cases may result in a lower actual mortality rate. If the virus mutates and becomes easily transmissible from person to person, say by altering its shape to grab human cells much more effectively, it can potentially cause a pandemic. If the H5N1 virus is to mutate and enable human to the human transmission it could be very deadly for public health. In addition, influenza viruses are more likely to mutate because they have a segmented genome. All known strains of influenza - including seasonal flu and pandemic flu - passed from birds to humans in this way.
What are the symptoms of bird flu?
Unlike birds, where it usually infects the intestines, avian flu attacks the respiratory tract of humans and can cause severe respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Its early symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, and sometimes abdominal pain and diarrhea.
How to stay safe from bird flu?
Use of adequate personal protective equipment and careful attention to hand hygiene.
In the United States, the FDA approved a vaccine for the H5N1 virus in 2007.
The CDC recommends that people responding to poultry outbreaks receive a seasonal flu vaccination every year
Seasonal influenza vaccination does not prevent infection with the avian influenza A virus but may reduce the risk of co-infection with humans and avian influenza A viruses.
Consumers should be reminded to handle raw poultry well and to cook all poultry and poultry products (including eggs) before eating.
Raw chickens can be involved in many infections, including salmonella.
The ministry advises people working with poultry to use PPEs and follow hand hygiene.
According to the Union Ministry of Health, antiviral drugs, especially oseltamivir, improve the chances of survival in humans.
Only eat meat and other poultry products such as eggs and poultry blood if they are fully cooked. Egg yolks should not be runny or runny. Wash the eggshells in soapy water before cracking or cooking them.
Wash your hands often with soap and water. You can use an alcohol-based hand gel if you don't have soap and it doesn't look dirty.
According to the WHO, avian influenza due to existing and new influenza A (H5) viruses in poultry continues to be vigilant in the animal and public health sector.
According to WHO, the Zoonotic disease is spreading so much this time. Even Corona is also a suspected Zoonotic disease, which has been transferred from bats to humans. So, it can be controlled through one health approach. “One health approach” - the zoonotic disease can be controlled through a coordinated approach from veterinary and health departments.
What are the steps taken by the government to stop this bird flu influenza?
In Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh, the slaughtering, sale, purchase, and export of poultry, birds, fish of any breed and their related products including eggs, meat, chicken, have been prohibited- in the affected subdivisions.
Steps were taken, under section 34 of the disaster management act, 2005.
Movements of locals and tourists within one kilometers radius of Pong Dam have also been banned.
The dead birds are being disposed of as per bird flu protocol.
Wildlife officials in Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh have been put on high alert.
Prohibitory orders (under section 144 of Cr. P.C.) have been imposed and a 1 km radius area was declared a “zero mobility zone” in Rajasthan’s Jhalawar town, after the mass deaths of crow owing to avian influenza.
The Jhalawar municipal council has ordered the closure of all poultry and egg shops.
Kerala has announced that culling of ducks in the infected regions will be undertaken as per central government guidelines ( Avian Influenza Action Plan - 2015).
A flock of 1000 ducks within a 1 km radius of the infection hotspot will be culled to prevent the spread of disease.
Eight teams have been formed for culling.
The birds will be culled in a place close to the infected area.
Carcasses of the culled birds will be burned.
All those involved in the culling operations will wear PPE kits.
They will also be given preventive medicines.
Kerala will also collect and test samples of domesticated birds within a 10 km radius of the disease center.
The Department of Social Forestry is tasked with monitoring migratory birds in and around Neindoor.
If any migratory birds are found to be dying unnaturally, the animal husbandry department should be informed.
Fishing has also been banned in the affected areas.
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